
Action adenosinergic funds due to a direct interaction with adenozinovymi (purine) receptors and indirect effect on the disintegration and accumulation of adenosine (one of the purine neuromodulators). Specialized purine receptors (post - and presynaptic), divided into the P1 receptors (highly sensitive to adenosine) and P2 receptors (more sensitive to ATP). Both types are found in the Central nervous system, cardiovascular and respiratory system, lymph and platelets, etc.

It is known that adenosine has mainly cardiovascular effects, manifested by vasodilatation (with improvement of microcirculation and reduction of platelet aggregation) and negative Ino-, Chrono and dromotropony effects on the heart associated with inhibition of intracellular transport of calcium ions. A number of drugs (dipyridamole, papaverine, etc.) affect the metabolism of adenosine, contribute to its accumulation in the myocardium or potentiate the effect; used as koronarolitikov the disease.

Antagonists of P1 receptors — methylxanthines (caffeine, theophylline, etc.) — stimulate the Central nervous system.

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