We dispatch with tracking worldwide in 2-3 working days after payment is received.

Saturday and Sunday are non-working days.

Shipments by regular mail, registered and requires a signature.

Large orders are shipped in multiple packages to avoid customs fees and problems with customs.

Shipping prices depends on the total order weight. You can calculate it in the shopping cart. The maximum weight of one order is 2 kG.

Unfortunately we don't ship to some countries. Sorry for the inconveniences.

If the parcel is lost or seized by customs, we will refund the funds or reship the parcel after the official procedure of searching for the parcel by the carrier.

While the parcel is in transit, we do not refund the money or reship the parcel.

The delivery time to different countries may be different and averages 10-30 days.

Unfortunately at the moment there may be delays in some cases, for example, such as transit through third countries.