• Vitaherpavac 0.3ml 5 vials

Expiration date: 04/2026

Trade name: Vitaherpavac

International name: Vaccine for herpes (herpes Vaccine)

Group affiliation: mibp-vaccine

Description of active ingredient (INN): Vaccine for the prevention of herpetic infections

Dosage form: lyophilizate for the preparation of solution for intradermal administration, suspension for injection

Pharmacological action:

 Stimulates cellular mechanisms of resistance of the human body to herpes simplex virus types I and II.

Indications: Prevention of recurrence of herpes infection.

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity to gentamycin and other aminoglycoside antibiotics group, herpes infection in the active stage (vaccination is carried out no earlier than 7-10 days after the disappearance of clinical manifestations with eye herpes – not earlier than 1 month), acute (infectious and non-infectious) diseases, chronic diseases in stage of exacerbation or decompensation, malignancy, pregnancy, active symptoms of AIDS.

Side effects: General: slight fever, weakness. Local reaction: hyperemia of the skin with a diameter of up to 2 cm during the first day and a weak short-term burning (normal reaction of the body to the introduction of the vaccine).

Method of application and dose: I / C in the area of the inner surface of the forearm in a single dose of 0.2 ml (control – formation <, , lemon>,). The course of vaccination with herpetic infection of the skin and mucous membranes – 5 injections, which are carried out at intervals of 7-10 days. After 6 months, a second course of vaccination (5 injections) is carried out. Patients with complicated herpetic infection 2nd and subsequent injections are repeated at intervals of 10 days. Next, it is recommended to make 4 revaccinations (5 injections) for 2 years with an interval of 2-3 months. The contents of the bottle is dissolved in 0.3 ml solvent (water for injection). To do this, the solvent with a syringe with a needle is introduced into the vaccine bottle, which is then shaken until the contents are completely dissolved.

Special instructions: Vaccination is carried out in hospitals (hospital, dispensary, clinic) under the supervision of a doctor. Vaccination is carried out in remission, not earlier than 7-10 days after the complete disappearance of clinical manifestations of herpetic infection. If there are more pronounced local and General reactions or exacerbation of the main process, vaccination should be stopped. Vaccination can be continued after complete disappearance of clinical manifestations of the General reaction to the introduction of the vaccine. All cases of more pronounced local and General reactions in the patient should be examined by a doctor and recorded in the appropriate document. The dissolved preparation should be a slightly opalescent liquid of pink color. The drug is not suitable for use in bottles with impaired integrity, labeling, with color change, expired, with improper storage. The dissolved vaccine cannot be stored. Opening the bottle, dissolution of the drug and vaccination procedure is carried out in strict compliance with the rules of asepsis.

The description of the drug Vitaherpavac is not intended to assign treatment without a doctor.


Closed vials are stored in a dry place. Do not exceed storage temperature of 2-8 degrees Celcius. Can be stored for 14-20 days outside of fridge. The prepared solution of a vaccine is not subject to storage. Keep away from direct sunlight. Keep locked and away from children.
