Expiration date: 01/2025

Verakol - a solution for injection is used for dogs, cats and farm animals for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including those accompanied by diarrhea. In appearance, the drug is a colorless, transparent liquid.


As active substances, Veracol contains matrix tinctures of vegetable origin and mineral components (in 1000 ml): Veratrum album D1 5 nl; Acidum arsenicosum D2 0.5 nl; Podophyllum peltatum 1.5 nl; Colocynthis D1 5 nl; as well as auxiliary components: methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium chloride, sodium acetate trihydrate; hydrochloric acid, ethyl alcohol 95%, water for injection.


Veracol refers to complex homeopathic medicines. It has an anti-inflammatory and antispasmodic effect in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract.

According to the degree of exposure to the body, the drug belongs to low-hazard substances (hazard class 4 according to GOST 12.1.007-76), does not have a locally irritating and sensitizing effect.


Veracol is prescribed to small domestic and farm animals for the treatment of inflammatory diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, including gastritis, gastroenteritis, dyspepsia, food toxicoinfection.


Veracol is used intramuscularly or subcutaneously 2-3 times a day for 5-20 days in the following single doses:

dogs 0.1 ml / 1 kg of animal weight;

cats - 0.1 ml / 1 kg of animal weight (but not less than 0.5 ml / animal);

cattle, pigs - 0.5 ml / animal;

calves, piglets - 2.5 ml/ animal.


The peculiarities of the drug's action during its first use and cancellation have not been established.

Omissions should be avoided when administering the next dose of the drug, as this may lead to a decrease in therapeutic efficacy. If one dose is missed, it should be administered as soon as possible, Then the interval until the next administration of the drug does not change.

The use of Veracol does not exclude the use of other drugs for etiotropic, pathogenetic and symptomatic therapy. Animal products during and after the application of Veracol can be used without restrictions.


Contraindication to the use of the drug is an individual hypersensitivity of the animal to its components.


When using Veracol in accordance with this instruction, side effects and complications are usually not noted. With increased individual sensitivity of the animal, in case of allergic reactions, the use of the drug is discontinued and antihistamines, (3-adrenomimetics, corticosteroids or other symptomatic treatment are prescribed.


Veracol is stored in a dry place, protected from light and inaccessible to children at a temperature from 0 ° C to 30 ° C.

The shelf life of Veracol, subject to storage conditions, is 3 years from the date of manufacture of the injection solution. It is forbidden to use Veracol after its expiration date.
