Expiration date: 08/2026
Structure and Composition:
Dragee complete 1 set
Dragee light brown, 1 dragee contains:
0.05 mg levonorgestrel
0.03 mg ethinylestradiol
Excipients: corn starch - 18 mg of lactose monohydrate - 33.07 mg Magnesium stearate - 0.1 mg Povidone 25000 - Talc 2.1 mg - 1.65 mg
shell composition: wax (Montanglykol) - 0,05 mg glycerol 85% - 0,136 mg of calcium carbonate - 8.582 mg povidone 700,000 - 0,188 mg of polyethylene glycol (macrogol) 6,000 - 2,139 mg of sucrose - talc 19.297 mg - 4,186 mg of titanium dioxide - 0.272 mg of iron oxide yellow - 0.068 mg of red iron oxide - 0.082 mg
Dragee white color, 1 tablet contains:
0.075 mg of levonorgestrel
0.04 mg ethinylestradiol
Excipients: corn starch - 18 mg lactose monohydrate - 33.035 mg of magnesium stearate - 0.1 mg povidone 25000 - 2.1 mg talc - 1.65 mg
shell composition: wax (Montanglykol) - 0,05 mg of calcium carbonate - 8, 697 mg, povidone 700,000 - 0,171 mg of polyethylene glycol (macrogol) 6000 - 2.18 mg sucrose - 19.66 mg talc - 4.242 mg
Dragee ocher, 1 tablet contains:
0.125 mg levonorgestrel
0.03 mg ethinylestradiol
Excipients: corn starch - 18 mg lactose monohydrate - 32.995 mg of magnesium stearate - 0.1 mg povidone 25000 - 2.1 mg talc - 1.65 mg
shell composition: wax (Montanglykol) - 0,05 mg glycerol 85% - 0,135 mg of calcium carbonate - 8.559 mg povidone 700,000 - 0,187 mg of polyethylene glycol (macrogol) 6000 2,131 mg of sucrose - talc 19.223 mg - 4,175 mg of titanium dioxide - 0.270 mg of ferric oxide yellow - 0.270 mg
in a blister pack with a calendar scale of 21 pcs. (6 - light brown, 5 - 10 white and ocher-colored jelly beans) in box 1 blister.
Pharmachologic effect:
Levonorgestrel in combination with ethinylestradiol blocks the release of corticotropin releasing factor (LH and follicle) hypothalamus inhibits the secretion of pituitary gonadotrophins and thus inhibits ovulation increases the viscosity of the mucus in the cervix, which makes penetration of sperm into the uterus. Moreover, the endometrium for implantation remains unprepared.
Prevention of unwanted pregnancy.
Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, severe disorders of the liver, liver cancer, or thromboembolic processes (including history), diabetes with vascular complications, breast or endometrial cancer (including history), vaginal bleeding of unknown origin.
Application of pregnancy and breastfeeding:
Contraindicated during pregnancy.
Side effect:
In rare cases - headache, nausea, violation of the functions of the stomach, breast tenderness, depression, change in body weight and libido, chloasma, poor tolerance of contact lenses.
Dosage and administration:
Inside. The blister pack contains 21 pills. Jelly beans arranged in a circle. Admission pills should always begin with the sector with the word "Start" and then continue on a daily basis, following the direction of the arrows.
Drops should be taken in the order indicated on the package, every day at about the same time, with a little water. Take 1 tablet a day continuously for 21 days. Receiving the next pack is started after a 7-day break in taking pills, during which usually occurs withdrawal bleeding. Bleeding usually begins 2-3 days after the last pellet and can not end before receiving a new package.
Admission Triquilar:
- Without taking any hormonal contraceptive use in the preceding month. Admission Triquilar begins on the first day of the menstrual cycle (ie the first day of menstrual bleeding). Shall start receiving 2-5 days of the menstrual cycle, but in this case it is recommended to additionally use a barrier method of contraception during the first 7 days of tablet-taking from the first package
- The transition to the other combined oral contraceptives. Preferably begin receiving Triquilar the next day after the last active pellets from the previous package, but in any case no later than the next day after the usual 7 day interval (for formulations comprising 21 pills) or after the last inactive pills (for preparations containing 28 pills in the package)
- The transition from contraceptives containing only progestogen (mini-pill, injectable form, implant) or from a progestogen-releasing intrauterine device (Mirena). A woman can go to the mini-pill Triquilar on any day (without a break), with the implant or intrauterine device with progestin - the date of its removal from the injection mold - the day when the next injection should have to be made. In all cases, you must use an additional barrier method of contraception during the first 7 days of tablet
- After the abortion I trimester of pregnancy. The woman may start taking immediately. Subject to this condition the woman does not need extra contraceptive protection
- After delivery or abortion in the II trimester of pregnancy. It is recommended to start taking the drug on day 21-28 after delivery or abortion in the II trimester of pregnancy. If the reception is started later, you must use an additional barrier method of contraception during the first 7 days of tablet-taking. However, if a woman has been sexually active, before you start taking Triquilar pregnancy should be excluded or must wait for the first menstrual period.
Admission missed pills
If the delay in taking pills is less than 12 hours, contraceptive protection is not reduced. The woman should take pills as soon as possible, should be taken at the usual time. If the delay in taking pills made more than 12 hours, contraceptive protection may be reduced. It is possible to be guided by the following two basic rules:
- Receiving the drug should never be interrupted for more than 7 days
- Required 7 days of continuous tablet-taking in order to achieve adequate suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian regulation.
Accordingly, these tips may be given if the delay in reception of pills was more than 12 hours (the interval since last receiving pellets over 36 hours):
The first week of taking the drug
The woman should take the last missed pills as soon as possible (even if this means taking two pills at once). Next take the pills at the usual time. In addition to be used a barrier method of contraception (eg a condom) for the next 7 days. If intercourse took place during the week before skipping pills, you need to take into account the chance of pregnancy.
The more pills missed and the closer they are to a break in the reception of active substances, the greater the likelihood of pregnancy.
The second week of taking the drug
The woman should take the last missed pills as soon as possible (even if this means taking two pills at once). Next take the pills at the usual time.
Provided that the woman has taken pills correctly in the 7 days preceding the first missed pills, there is no need to use additional contraceptive measures. Otherwise, as well as skipping of two or more must be added dragees barrier methods of contraception (e.g. condom) for 7 days.
The third week of taking the drug
The risk of reduced reliability is imminent because of the forthcoming break in taking pills. A woman should strictly adhere to one of the two following options. While in the 7 days preceding the first missed pills, all the pills are taken correctly, there is no need to use additional contraceptive methods.
1. As soon as the end pellets in the current package should start taking pills from the next package, ie between packages should not make the break. Withdrawal bleeding is unlikely until the end of the second pack, but may experience spotting or breakthrough bleeding during the tablet-taking.
2. The woman may also interrupt the reception of pills from the current package. Then she should take a break for 7 days, including the day of skipping pills, and then start taking a new package.
If a woman misses pills, and then during a break in taking pills she had no withdrawal bleeding, pregnancy must be excluded.
Changing the date of the beginning of the menstrual cycle
In order to delay the onset of menstruation, the woman should continue taking the drug, using the latest 10 pills from a new package Triquilar, without making a break in the reception. Thus, the cycle may be extended for up to 10 days until the end of the second pack. Against the background of the drug from the second package, women may experience spotting or breakthrough uterine bleeding. Regular intake Triquilar then resumed after the usual 7-day break in taking pills.
In order to move the first day of menstruation to another day of the week, the woman should be reduced following a break in the reception of pills at the desired number of days. The shorter the interval, the higher the risk that she will not have withdrawal bleeding and, in the future, will be spotting and breakthrough bleeding while taking second pack (just as when she wanted to delay the onset of menses).