Expiration date: 05/2025

pharmachologic effect

Verona - complex herbal preparation. It improves and stabilizes the potency, erectile function, stimulates the libido, has a restorative, supportive, regulating effect on reproduction and spermatogenesis. It has a tonic and adaptogenic properties.

The main action of Tribulus terrestris (containing protodioscin and protogracillin) and Mucuna zudyascheyyavlyaetsya decrease in the severity of asthenic-neurotic reactions, restoration and enhancement of libido, increased frequency, intensity and duration of erections, sharpness and brightness of the sexual emotions, prevent premature ejaculation, increase to physiological levels of luteinizing hormone and testosterone without disturbing the hormonal balance of the body.

Fitosteroidy Tribulus Terrestris and winter cherry restore and maintain reproduction, stimulate spermatogenesis. Contribute to increase the volume and reduce the viscosity of semen. Improves concentration and motility, improve their morphology, reduce the number of pathological forms. Also increase the amount of Sertoli cells, germ cells that provide nutrients and maintain their function.

Also, winter cherry (containing somnifirin, vitanon, flavonoid glycosides) and beautiful argireya possess adaptogenic, tonic, anti-stress, immunomodulatory, anti-oxidant effect in asthenic conditions, physical and mental fatigue, chronic diseases. Stimulate nonspecific immunity, promote the formation of energy in cells.


Functional disorders of the sexual sphere of men (decreased libido, weakening of erection, premature ejaculation), combined with impaired spermatogenesis (oligospermia, asthenospermia), formed in the course of chronic asteniziruyuschie states.


Hypersensitivity to the drug.

special instructions

The feasibility of re-treatment or increasing the duration of the course is determined individually.

In clinical studies confirmed the positive effect of the drug in men with sexual disorders and functional disorders of spermatogenesis, with a significant number of patients showed improvement spermiogram and restoration of viscosity and sperm motility.


1 capsule contains dry extract: Tribulus Terrestris 300 mg, 100 mg of winter cherry, Mucuna itchy 25 mg, 60 mg Argir beautiful,

adjuvants: talc.

Dosing and Administration

Capsules Verona designate an adult inside the 2 drip. 2 times / day - morning and evening. The capsules preferably drink milk. Duration of therapy - 8 weeks.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.

Storage conditions

Keep out of reach of children at or above 25 ° C.

Shelf life

2 years.
