Expiration date: 01/2026
Indications for use
Burns, pyoderma, folliculitis, cystitis, urethritis.
Dosage and administration
As an antiseptic drug: externally -1% alcohol solution. In diseases of the genitourinary system-wash the cavity with an aqueous 0.02% solution (1: 5 thousand), inside-0.1 g 3-4 times a day, children-5-10 mg for each year of life.
Hypersensitivity. With caution: pregnancy, lactation.
Side effect
From the digestive system: nausea, vomiting, abdominal pain, decreased appetite. Other: headache, pain in the kidneys and bladder, mental discomfort, allergic reactions.
Pharmacological group
Antiseptic agents-dyes
Pharmacological action
Antiseptic agent, bacteriostatic effect is due to interaction with mucopolysaccharides and proteins of microorganisms.
Methylthionine chloride
Special instruction
Excreted in the urine, it turns it blue, which is why it is sometimes used to study the functional ability of the kidneys. It should not be administered subcutaneously, but intravenously-only very slowly (with breaks of several minutes).
Storage conditions
List B. Store in a place protected from light, in a tightly closed package, at a temperature not higher than 30 deg. C.