Expiration date: 03/2025

The bioregulator liver

Normalizes and improves liver function, accelerate its recovery after drug treatment, poisoning and exposure to other negative factors

Product form: 40 tablets per pack

Prevention and treatment of mono - and politologichni diseases and injuries of the liver — a major parenchymal organ — is a critical task in restoring and maintaining human health. Infectious, toxic, metabolic, involutional and other causes have a negative effect on the antitoxic, excretory and protein-synthetic liver function. Liver damage of any etiology (viral, drugs, alcohol, toxic) or diffuse proliferation of connective tissue (cirrhosis) and eventually lead to acute or chronic-tion of liver failure, which is the major component of multiple organ failure in critical States of different nature. To correct these pathological changes in the liver were developed "Hepatamin" having hepatotropic action.

Has a selective action on the liver cells and enhances the reparative processes in hepatocytes, normalizing their work.

Promotes recovery of the liver after acute and chronic disease, in the treatment with antibiotics and other medications affecting the liver.

Has hepatoprotective effect in effects on the body of various harmful substances, extreme factors for malnutrition.

Dosage: 1-3 tablets 2-3 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals with water without chewing. Course: 10-14 days. A second course in 3-6 months.

Contraindications: individual intolerance of the product components, pregnancy, breast-feeding.


  • $16.00