Expiration date: 04/2026
Structure and Composition:
Tablets. 1 tablet contains:
0.15 mg of desogestrel
0.02 mg ethinylestradiol
Other ingredients: colloidal silicon dioxide, lactose, magnesium stearate, potato starch povidone stearic acid, dl- & alpha-tocopherol
in blister 21 pcs. in the box 1, 3 or 6 blister.
Dosage and administration:
Inside, in accordance with the instructions on the package every day at about the same time, drinking, if necessary, a small amount of liquid.
How to take Mersilon
It is necessary to take 1 tab. daily for 21 days. Receiving tablets of each subsequent packaging resumed after the 7-day break, during which usually appear menstrualnopodobnye selection. They usually start on day 2-3 after the last tablet and may continue to start taking the first pill the next pack.
How to start taking Mersilon if hormonal contraceptives in the preceding period (last month) have not been used
Taking the pills begin on the first day of your natural cycle (ie the first day of menstrual bleeding). You can start with the reception and 2-5 days. In this case, during the first cycle is recommended to use an additional barrier method of contraception during the first 7 days of tablet.
Moving from another combined oral contraceptive (CCP)
It is desirable that a woman begins to receive Mersilon the next day after receiving the last active tablet of the previous CPC, but no later than the day after the tablet-free interval or placebo her previous handheld.
The transition from a method based on the use of only a progestogen ( "mini-pill", injections, implants)
The woman may start taking Mersilon any day after the cessation of the use of "mini-pill" (in the case of the implant - the day of his removal, in the case of injection - instead of the next injection). However, in all cases, it is advised to additionally use a barrier method during the first 7 days of taking the pills.
After the abortion I trimester
The woman may start taking Mersilon immediately. In this case, it does not need to use additional methods of contraception.
After delivery or abortion in the II trimester
Women should start taking Mersilon with 21 or 28 days after delivery or abortion in the II trimester. At a later start of the reception should additionally use a barrier method during the first 7 days of taking the pills. However, if intercourse has already occurred, then prior to use of COCs should exclude pregnancy or wait until the first menstrual period.
The use of COCs is not recommended during lactation.
What to do in case of missed tablets
If a woman is late with taking the pill less than 12 hours, contraceptive protection is not reduced. It should take a pill right away, as soon as she remembers this, and then continue taking the usual time.
If the delay with taking pills is more than 12 hours, contraceptive protection may be reduced. In the case of missed tablets can be guided by two basic rules:
1. Acceptance of the tablets should never be interrupted for more than 7 days.
2. To achieve adequate suppression of the hypothalamic-pituitary-ovarian require continuous reception of tablets for 7 days.
In accordance with this, you can make recommendations to be followed in daily life:
1 Week
The woman should take the last missed tablet as soon as soon as she remembers this, even if she has to take 2 tablets. simultaneously. She then continues to take tablets at her usual time. Further, over the next 7 days should be used a barrier method, such as condoms. If intercourse took place in the preceding 7 days, to consider the possibility of pregnancy. The more missed tablets and the closer the time of onset of the break, the higher the risk of pregnancy.
2 week
The woman should take the last missed tablet as soon as soon as she remembers this, even if she has to take 2 tablets. simultaneously. She then continues to take tablets at her usual time. If a woman is properly the pill for 7 days preceding the first skipped pills, there is no need to use additional contraception. Otherwise, if it missed or more Table 1., Use extra precautions for 7 days.
3 week
The risk of reduced reliability increases as the tablet-free interval. However, subject to the regimen of tablets can be avoided by reducing contraceptive protection. If you stick to one of the following two options, there is no need to use additional contraception measures, provided that in the 7 days preceding the first skipped pills, the woman took all the pills correctly. If not, the woman should follow the first of the two variants and the use of additional precautions for the next 7 days.
1. The woman should take the last missed tablet as soon as soon as she remembers this, even if she has to take 2 tablets. simultaneously.
She then continues to take tablets at her usual time. A tablet from the following packages should begin to take immediately after use, ie should be free interval between tablets of different packages. It is unlikely that a woman will begin menstrualnopodobnye release before the end of the pills from the second package, though spotting sudden or severe bleeding may occur in the process of taking the pills.
2. The woman may also interrupt the pills from used packaging. In this case, a break of 7 days, including the days she missed tablets which resumes with the next pack.
If a woman misses pills, and she did not appear menstrualnopodobnye allocation during the first break in the normal admission, should consider the possibility of pregnancy.
Recommendations in case of vomiting
If within 3-4 hours after administration of the tablet is observed vomiting may not complete absorption of the drug. In this case, see. Recommendations for skipping pills. If a woman does not want to change their usual medication regimen, it is necessary to take additional (s) tablet (s) from a different package.
How to change the time of the onset of menstruation or delay menstruation
To delay the onset of menstruation, women should continue taking Mersilon of the new packaging without interruption. On request, the reception may be extended until the end of reception of tablets of the second pack. At the same time there may be a sudden heavy bleeding or spotting. Regular intake Mersilon resumed after the usual 7-day tablet-free interval.
To move the start of menstruation to another day of the week as expected when you use the current scheme of the drug, a woman can reduce the forthcoming tablet-free interval to the desired number of days.
The shorter the interval, the higher the risk that it will have no emissions and will menstrualnopodobnoe sudden heavy bleeding or spotting while taking tablets from the second package (as in the retention period).