Analogue: Nanotropil

Expiration date: 07/2026

Active ingredient: N-carbamoylmethyl-4-phenyl-2-pyrrolidone

Pharmachologic effect

Mode of action - neuromodulating, nootropic, anxiolytic, anticonvulsant, antiseptic.


Possesses strong antiamnestic action has a direct activating effect on the integrative activity of the brain contributes to memory consolidation, improves concentration and mental performance, facilitates the learning process, increases the speed of information transfer between the brain hemispheres and sustainability of brain tissue hypoxia and toxic effects, it possesses anticonvulsant action and anxiolytic activity, regulates the processes of the central nervous system activation and inhibition, improves mood.

It has a positive effect on the metabolism and blood circulation of the brain, stimulates the redox processes, improves the body's energy potential due to glucose utilization, improves regional blood flow in ischemic areas of the brain. Increases of noradrenaline, dopamine and serotonin in the brain, does not affect the levels of GABA, is not associated with the GABAA receptors and GAMKB, has no significant effect on spontaneous bioelectrical activity of the brain.

It has no effect on respiration and cardiovascular system, displays unspoken diuretic effect, has anoreksigennoy activity in exchange application.

The stimulating effect is manifested in the ability to provide a moderately pronounced effect, which manifests itself in relation to motor responses, enhancing physical performance, expressed antagonism cataleptic effect of neuroleptics as well as easing the severity of hypnotic action of ethanol and hexobarbital.

Stimulating effect ideatornoy prevails in the area.

Moderate inducing effect of the drug is combined with anxiolytic activity, it improves mood, has some analgesic effect by raising the pain threshold.

Adaptogenic effect is to increase the body's resistance to stress under conditions of excessive mental and physical stress, with fatigue, hypokinesia and immobilization at low temperatures.

Against the background of the drug noted improvement in vision that is evident in the increasing severity, brightness and field of view.

It improves blood circulation of the lower limbs.

It stimulates the production of antibodies in response to the antigen, indicating that the immunostimulatory properties, but at the same time promotes immediate hypersensitivity and allergic inflammatory changes of the skin reaction induced by the introduction of the foreign protein.

In exchange application does not develop drug dependence, tolerance, withdrawal syndrome.

The action is manifested in a single dose, which is important when using the drug in extreme conditions.

There has teratogenic, mutagenic, carcinogenic and embryotoxic properties. It has low toxicity, acute lethal dose of experiment is 800 mg / kg.


Rapidly absorbed, penetrates into the various organs and tissues, readily passes through the blood-brain barrier. The absolute oral bioavailability of 100%. Tmax in the blood -. 1 hours, T1 / 2 3-5 h is not metabolized in the body. Excreted unchanged: about 40% - in the urine and 60% - in the bile and then.


  • CNS disorders of various origins, especially those related to cardiovascular diseases and disorders of metabolic processes in the brain, intoxication (particularly in post-traumatic conditions and phenomena of chronic cerebrovascular insufficiency), accompanied by the deterioration of intellectual-mental functions, reduction of motor activity;
  • neurotic conditions manifested by lethargy, increased exhaustion, decreased psychomotor activity, in violation of attention, memory impairment;
  • violations of the learning process;
  • depression of mild to moderate severity;
  • psycho-organic syndromes that appear intellectually impaired and mnesticheskimi apatiko-abulicheskimi phenomena and vyaloapaticheskih state in schizophrenia;
  • convulsive conditions;
  • Obesity (alimentary constitutional genesis);
  • prevention of hypoxia, increase resistance to stress;
  • correction of the functional state of the body in extreme conditions of professional activity in order to prevent the development of fatigue and to improve mental and physical performance;
  • correction daily biorhythms, inversion of sleep-wake cycle;
  • chronic alcoholism (in order to reduce fatigue phenomena, depression, intellectual-mental disorders).


Individual intolerance.

Precautions: Patients with severe organic lesions of the liver and kidneys, severe hypertension, with severe atherosclerosis undergoing previously panic attacks, acute psychotic state occurring with psychomotor agitation - because of the possibility of anxiety exacerbation, panic, hallucinations and delusions, as well as patients, prone to allergic reactions to nootropics pyrrolidone group.

Not recommended for children Phenotropil® appointment of the drug in the absence of the application data.

Pregnancy and breast-feeding

There should be appointed during pregnancy and breastfeeding due to lack of clinical trial data.

Side effects

Insomnia (in case of the drug within 15 hours). Some patients in the first 1-3 days can receive psychomotor agitation, flushing of the skin, a feeling of warmth, increased blood pressure.


Phenotropil® may increase the effects of drugs that stimulate the central nervous system, antidepressants, and neuroprotective drugs.

Dosing and Administration


Take immediately after a meal. The dose and duration of treatment should be determined by your doctor. Doses vary depending on the characteristics of the patient. The average single dose is from 100 to 250 mg; average daily dose of 200 to 300 mg. The maximum permissible dose - 750 mg / day. Recommended daily dose of 100 mg taken once in the morning, and more than 100 mg - divided into 2 doses. Duration of treatment may vary from 2 weeks to 3 months, on average - 30 days. If necessary, the course may be repeated after 1 month.

To improve performance - 100-200 mg once daily in the morning for 2 weeks (for athletes - 3 days).

The recommended duration of treatment for patients with alimentary-constitutional obesity is 30-60 days at a dose of 100-200 mg 1 time a day (in the morning).

Do not take Phenotropil® later than 15 hours.


No cases of overdose were reported.

Treatment: symptomatic therapy.

Special instructions

When excessive psycho-emotional exhaustion on the background of chronic stress and fatigue, chronic insomnia Phenotropil® single dose of the drug during the first day can cause a sharp need for sleep. Such patients on an outpatient basis should be advised to start taking the drug in exchange holidays.

Release Form

Tablets, 100 mg. Packages contour of cellular PVC film and aluminum foil for 10 pcs. In the paper cartons 1 or 3 pack.


JSC "Valenta Pharmaceuticals." 141101, Moscow region., Schelkovo, st. Factory 2.

Storage conditions

In a dry, dark place at a temperature no higher than 30 ° C.

Keep out of the reach of children.

The shelf life: 5 years.

Do not use beyond the expiration date printed on the package.
