Expiration date: 05/2026
Structure and Composition:
1 ml solution for injection contains zuclopenthixol acetate (in vegetable oil Viscoleo) 50mg ampoules of 1 or 2 ml, 5 pieces per pack.
Pharmachologic effect:
Blocks dopamine receptors in the brain.
The initial stage of the treatment of acute psychosis (including manic states), chronic psychoses (exacerbation).
Acute poisoning with alcohol, barbiturates, opiates, comatose states.
Application of pregnancy and breastfeeding:
Contraindicated. Nursing mothers should stop breast-feeding.
Side effect:
Chance of extrapyramidal disorders, tardive dyskinesia, neuroleptic malignant syndrome, somnolence, dizziness, dry mouth, paresis of accommodation, urinary retention, constipation, tachycardia, orthostatic hypotension, changes in liver function tests.
Drug Interactions:
It enhances the effect of alcohol, barbiturates and other CNS depressants reduces -. Levodopa and other adrenergic substances.. It weakens the hypotensive effect of guanethidine and its analogues. The risk of extrapyramidal disorders increase metoclopramide and piperazine. It can be mixed with klopiksol Depot (co-injection).
Dosage and administration:
V / m in the upper outer quadrant of the gluteal region. The dosage is adjusted individually, depending on the condition of the patient. The recommended dose - 50-150 mg (1-3 ml) was necessary to repeat injections with an interval of 2-3 days in some patients an additional injection is administered before -. 24-48 hours Supportive therapy is recommended to keep po - klopiksol or / m - klopiksol Depot. In the transition to oral klopiksol prescribe a daily dose of 40 mg (if possible in several installments) after 2-3 days after the final injection (100 mg) klopiksol-akufaz if necessary increase the dose of 10-20 mg every 2-3 days up to 75 mg / day or more. When moving to klopiksol Depot treatment simultaneously with the closing-injection klopiksol akufaz (100 mg / 2 ml) was added 200-400 mg (1-2 ml) repeated injections of Depo klopiksol klopiksol Depot performed every two weeks if necessary, higher doses are admissible or shorter intervals.
Precautionary measures:
With caution is prescribed for seizures, chronic hepatitis, cardiovascular disease parties, driving a car, etc. Mechanisms.