Neuromuscular transmission drugs

The transfer of excitation from the somatic nerves to the skeletal muscles by using acetylcholine. It is secreted by the presynaptic membrane and binds a-holinoretseptorami; activation initiates the last set of changes, leading to muscle contraction. The increased contractile activity can be obtained acetylcholine agonists or drugs, causing an accumulation of neurotransmitter in the synaptic cleft — anticholinesterase drugs (see CHOLINOMIMETIC agents).

Have the opposite effect muscle relaxants (see N-HOLINOLITIKI (muscle RELAXANTS)). The group miorelaksantov combine medications, relaxing skeletal muscles.

The substances included in the group miorelaksantov peripheral actions, divided into antidepoliarizutmi (pahikurare), depolarizers (leptokurare) and "mixed type ".

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