• Milife 500mg 30 tablets

Expiration date: 08/2025

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Pharmacological action-metabolic, restorative, adaptogenic, regenerating, detoxification, immunomodulatory, antiviral, genoprotective, antimalarial, antiparasitic.

The spectrum of the effects obtained when using the drug is so wide that it can be classified as a systemic drug that detects and restores violations of information (restoration of correct genetic replications), functional, metabolic, energy connections in the body, activating restorative, reparative processes at different levels. Such possibilities of the drug are due to a powerful antioxidant effect (blockade of the final stages of oxidative stress). It has a nonspecific and specific antiviral effect.

A variety of biologically active compounds, approaching in chemical composition to the complex membrane structure of the human cell, determines the multivalence of the influence of Milife® on metabolic-endocrine-immune processes, having a corrective effect on all types of metabolism and homeostasis in General.

Is a monoculture biomass of the higher fungus Fusarium sambucinum, a strain of VSB?917. Contains low molecular weight Oligopeptide compounds, alkaline oligopeptides, 18 amino acids, including all essential amino acids, which account for up to 45% of the total amount of amino acids of the drug.

The carbohydrate composition of the drug includes biologically active polysaccharides (glycans: glucans and galactomannans, lentinan).

In addition, the composition of Milife® includes oxamic, malic, citric, succinic and other organic acids.

The lipid fraction of the drug contains phospholipids, sterols, glycerides, fatty acids and ubiquinones.

More than 50% of the fatty acids that make up the preparation Milife®, account for the share of essential — linoleic and linolenic, which are not synthesized in the human body and should come from food.

Milife® contains a full complex of b vitamins.

Milife® contains a balanced set of macro-and microelements in easily digestible form of organic compounds and complexes.

From the first days of reception, the positive activity of Milife® begins to manifest at the molecular-cellular level in those organs and systems that have the deepest and grossest violations.

Milife®, acting on the mesodiencephalic structures of the brain, finds the "Locus minoris" ("place of least resistance") in the body and acts on it selectively and consistently.

Milife® has a restorative and adaptogenic effect, increases the body's resistance to the effects of endoecological environment, increases the body's resistance to stress, preventing secondary post-stress consequences. Increases mental and physical performance, as well as accelerates recovery from stress and diseases of various etiologies. This is made possible by the powerful antioxidant action of the drug.

Milife® increases proliferative activity (division activity) in cells and controls the cell cycle, triggers an accelerated apoptosis system in defective cells, which leads to a slowdown in the accumulation of mutations.

Milife ® frees cells from genetically redundant (extrachromosomal) DNA as a result of increased vesicular traffic (intra-and intercellular transport in membrane vesicles). The result is the suppression of defective and increase the accuracy of replication of existing sequences in DNA, which allows the use of the drug Milife® for the prevention of cancer and to suppress the progression of malignant cells in cancer therapy.

Milife® has a bioregulatory multidirectional effect that can enhance the weak, weaken the strong or leave unchanged the normal response of the immune system.

As a result of experimental studies and clinical trials, it was established that Milife® affects immunocompetent organs, contributes to the normalization of both cellular and humoral immunity. It causes the effect of colony-stimulating factor in immunocompetent organs, increasing in 1, 7-2, 1 times the renewal of lymphoid cells. Restores the entire interleukin series (from IL-1 to IL-18). As an inducer of alpha -, beta-and gamma-interferon, tumor necrosis factor (alpha/beta), the drug increases the number of natural killers (CD16), increases the number of B-lymphocytes, increases the immunoregulatory index (ratio of helpers and suppressors) by increasing cytotoxic T-lymphocytes (CD8) and T-helpers (CD4).

Given the effect of the drug Milife® on immunocompetent organs and increased vesicular traffic, the neuroimmune system is able to recognize pathological changes in the cell and the cause of these changes, in particular the virus. The consequence of this is a specific and nonspecific antiviral effect of the drug. Milife® allows to induce cellular and humoral immunity by increasing cytotoxic T lymphocytes (CTL), which recognize the presented antigens by restoring the function of proteins of the main histocompatibility complex (MNS) and lyse infected cells. Milife® has a direct virulicidal effect, i.e. it destroys the virus by acting directly on its structures, even if the virus is in a latent form. Promotes the elimination of the virus by eliminating the cells that produce the virus. Against the background of the drug, B lymphocytes form a wide range of soluble antibodies that neutralize the virus, and support the immune response by increasing the number of active B lymphocytes of long-term memory and increasing the duration of persistent expression of the virus antigen. The drug even helps inactivate the virus until it has a chance to infect new host cells. Formed antibodies mobilize the inflammatory system, including the complement system, neutrophils and monocytes. Thus, even when the antibodies do not neutralize the virus directly, there is a possibility that other effector functions of the antibodies will be enhanced through the use of the inflammation system. The drug does not allow the virus to acquire the properties of resistance and evolve.

A wide range of antiviral activity of the drug indicates the presence of pronounced immunological mechanisms of action, which is confirmed by studies conducted in the research Institute of epidemiology and Microbiology. N. F. gamalea and research Institute of Virology and epidemiology. Ivankovsky.

The drug Milife® has specific activity in relation to Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium malariae as a preventive regimen, and when taking the drug after 72 and 96 hours after infection.

The obtained data on the high specific activity of the drug Milife® against Plasmodium vivax, Plasmodium falciparum and Plasmodium malariae are consistent with the data on the pronounced antiviral and immunostimulatory activity of the drug Milife®in experimental influenza infection, infections caused by encephalitis viruses and other viruses, and confirm its antiparasitic effect (yellow fever, malaria, toxoplasmosis and leishmaniasis).

Milife® has a hepatoprotective effect, normalizes impaired detoxification and protein-forming function of the liver due to the activation of many isoforms of cytochrome P450.

Milife® does not contain doping components (Expert opinion No. S068S of the anti-doping center dated may 24, 2008) and can be recommended for wide application in sports medicine.

On the basis of the carried out works it can be stated that Milife® at course application restores physical and mental working capacity of athletes, possesses modeling action on clinical, biochemical and immunological indicators of blood.


After ingestion, the drug is rapidly absorbed. Maximum activity is achieved after 90 minutes. Bioavailability is almost complete. The degree of binding to plasma proteins is up to 6%, the volume of distribution-1, 8-1, 9 l / kg.

The drug quickly penetrates into tissues, organs and body fluids-heart muscle and heart valves, liver, spleen, adrenal glands, kidneys, gall bladder, pancreas, uterus, prostate, bones, abdominal and pleural cavities, saliva, sputum. The concentration of Milife® in tissues and organs is higher than the concentration in blood plasma.

The drug is excreted mainly in the urine (up to 70% within 72 hours) and partially with bile - up to 25%.


  • chronic fatigue syndrome and immune dysfunction,
  • comprehensive therapy for the treatment of viral and toxic liver damage (including alcohol-related),
  • immunodeficiency and immunosuppression,
  • complex therapy in the treatment of autoimmune diseases (autoimmune thyroiditis, diabetes mellitus),
  • as a therapeutic and prophylactic agent for influenza, latent forms of herpes (6 types of herpes), chlamydia, ureaplasmosis infections, HIV and hepatitis C infections, as well as infections caused by yellow fever and malaria,
  • radiation and chemotherapy in cancer patients,
  • period of preoperative preparation and postoperative rehabilitation,
  • neuroendocrine disorders (mastopathy, ovarian dysfunction and cystic changes, uterine fibroids, endometriosis, infertility),
  • various manifestations of climacteric syndrome,
  • to the persons who are engaged in physical culture and sports (any age categories - from Junior to veteran age) in training and competitive cycles, as the means increasing working capacity and increasing a fatigue threshold,
  • rehabilitation of athletes after injuries and when leaving the " big " sport.


  • individual intolerance of the drug components,
  • liver and kidney diseases (end-stage cirrhosis and chronic renal failure.

Use during pregnancy and lactation

During pregnancy and during breastfeeding, based on the results of long-term clinical observations, a dose of 100 mg 3 times a day is recommended, and in the event of intercurrent diseases (SARS, influenza, etc.) - 1 g 6 times for 3-4 days.


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