“Silver Tablet”
Self-contained Bipolar Pulse Stimulator of Gastrointestinal Tract
Stimulator of the gastrointestinal tract, self-contained bipolar pulse SGIT-4-“Dyuny” (“Silver Tablet”) is designed for automatic electro stimulation of gastrointestinal tract organs (stomach, duodenum, small and large intestines) as well as liver, pancreas and other organs in order to stimulate their blood circulation, to normalize motor secretory functions. Moreover, SGIT-4 “Dyuny” can be applied to normalize metabolic and immunologic processes, to stimulate muscular tonus, receptor apparatus and pathway of the central and peripheral nervous systems and other. Modification of the “Silver Tablet” - rectovaginal stimulator (RVS) can be applied as well, it has a special flexible holder. Positive results of the RVC application were obtained in pediatrics: in treatment of enuresis, craniocerebral and spinal traumas.
Gastrointestinal stimulator Autonomous bipolar pulse SGIT-4 - "Dyuny" is designed to restore the activity of the digestive tract, as well as the correction of other organs and systems of the body.
It is used in General therapeutic, gastroenterological, gynecological, urological, surgical, pediatric and other inpatient departments and medical institutions. The electrostimulator can be used in a hospital, out-patient and at home as prescribed by a doctor.
The use of an electrostimulator creates a high therapeutic effect in the treatment of adults and children, and in some cases is the only alternative to surgical intervention to restore the lost functions of the body.
Device and principle of operation
SGIT-4 - "Dyuny" is a streamlined capsule, 22x11 mm in size, consisting of two metal hemispheres serving as electrodes, mounted on a special insulating sleeve made of non-toxic plastic. Inside the capsule are located: a generator of bipolar electrical impulses and a power supply.
When the capsule is inserted into a moist environment of the body, the working program of the electrostimulator is started. The generator produces a series of electrical impulses that are close in their parameters to the physiological signals that control the organs and systems in the body of a healthy person.
Being in the oral cavity, moving along the gastrointestinal tract (GI), rectally or vaginally, GI – 4 - "Dyuny" through a response to impulses from the Central nervous system normalizes the work of all organs and systems, affects the tissues, blood vessels and nerve endings.
Excitation of peripheral nerves and plexuses with the help of electrical impulses normalizes metabolism, improves tissue nutrition, reduces inflammatory processes.
Electrical stimulation through biologically active points reflexively increases the human immune system. At the same time, the so-called "aftereffect effect" remains-after a single application of the stimulant, the activation of all organs and systems does not stop. The "aftereffect" lasts up to six months.
The mechanism of the healing effect of SGIT-4 - "Dyuny" is significantly different from traditional therapy with pharmacological drugs. Unlike drugs, the effect of an electrostimulator does not give side effects. The use of SGIT-4 - "Dyuny" is effective in patients with allergies and individual intolerance to drugs, with intestinal dysbiosis and urogenital system.
The stimulator is made of biologically inert and environmentally friendly materials. Long-term clinical use of the device has not revealed any complications.
SGIT – 4 – "Dyuny" is recommended for comprehensive therapy and prophylaxis of various diseases:
- Surgery (atony and intestinal paresis, preparation for operations on the digestive tract to prevent dynamic obstruction in the postoperative period and peritonitis, adhesive postoperative processes, irritable bowel syndrome, postcholecystectomy syndrome, injuries of the musculoskeletal system).
- Urology (megaureter, vesicoureteral reflux, urolithiasis, cystitis, enuresis).
- Therapy (gastritis, peptic ulcer disease, poisoning, violations of intestinal microbiocenosis (dysbiosis), skin diseases, allergies, chronic constipation, duodenostasis and biliary dyskinesia, postcholecystectomy syndrome, helminthic duodenostasis, including opisthorchiasis etiology, hepatitis, chronic pancreatitis, metabolic disorders (diabetes, thyroid disease, atherosclerosis).
- Neurology (Central nervous system injuries, spinal injuries, peripheral nerve damage, osteochondrosis (intervertebral disc herniation), scoliosis, posture disorders, muscle tone disorders, autonomic dysfunction syndrome, the consequences of strokes, neuritis in the recovery period).
- Proctology (proctitis, sigmoiditis, sphincteritis, anal fissures, chronic constipation, chronic hemorrhoids).
- Gynecology (functional disorders of the female sexual sphere (menstrual cycle disorders), chronic non-specific inflammatory diseases of the female genital organs (colpitis, adnexitis, metroendometritis, pelvioperitonitis), vegetative pelvic ganglioneuritis (latent course, infiltrative-exudative variant), infertility in women (including hypoplasia of the uterus), adhesive processes of the pelvic organs, decreased sexual function in women).
- Andrology (infertility in men, lack of erection, impotence, chronic prostatitis in the stage of moderate exacerbation or remission, congestive prostatitis, adhesive processes of the pelvic organs).
- Stomatology (gingivitis, stomatitis, periodontitis, a periodontal disease, inflammation of the mucous membrane of the oral cavity).
- Pediatrics (violation of intestinal microbiocenosis (dysbacteriosis), worm infestations, dynamic obstruction in the postoperative period, peritonitis, childhood infections, pneumonia, sepsis, constipation, injuries (bone injuries and traumatic injuries of the Central and peripheral nervous system), preparation for operations on the digestive tract, prevention of adhesive disease, fecal incontinence and urine, posture disorders, scoliosis, osteochondrosis of the cervical spine with impaired blood supply, impaired functioning of the urinary system, allergic skin manifestations, muscle tone disorders, otitis media, stomatitis, adenoids).
Indications for use
- Adhesive postoperative processes
- Irritable bowel syndrome
- Postcholecystectomy syndrome
- Postoperative period and peritonitis
- Preparation for operations on the digestive tract to prevent dynamic obstruction
- Atony and intestinal paresis
- Proctitises
- Sigmoiditis
- Sincerity
- Chronic constipation
- Posture disorder
- Violation of muscle tone
- Osteochondrosis
- Peripheral nerve damage
- Scoliosis
- Spinal injuries
- Injuries to the Central nervous system
- Allergic skin manifestations
- Helminthic invasion
- Childhood infections
- Dynamic obstruction in the postoperative period
- Constipations
- Violation of intestinal microbiocenosis (dysbiosis)
- Violation of the functioning of the urinary system
- Violations of muscle tone
- Posture disorder
- Incontinence of feces and urine
- Osteochondrosis of the cervical region with impaired blood supply
- Preparation for operations on the digestive tract
- Prevention of adhesions
- Skin disease
- Urolithiasis
- Violation of the function of the urinary system
- Cystitises
- Gastritises
- Poisoning, violations of intestinal microbiocenosis (dysbiosis)
- Chronic constipation
- Ulcer
- Enuresis
Conditions in which the device can be used only on the recommendation and under the supervision of a doctor:
- Mechanical intestinal obstruction.
- Acute myocardial infarction, cardiac asthma, aneurysm of the heart, blood vessels, severe heart rhythm disorders and heart failure, the presence of an artificial heart rhythm driver (implanted pacemaker), acute thrombophlebitis.
- Epilepsy.
- Diagnosed neoplasms.
- Bleeding of various origins.
Technical parameters
Pulse duration 6 ± 20% MS
The repetition period of the pulses 24 ± 20% MS
Number of pulses in a pack 16
The period of sequence of packs of cycles with cyclically changing polarity 2.4-3.6 s
The amplitude of the current pulse through a load of 100 Ohms limits 4 + 1-2 mA
Overall dimensions 22.5 x 11 mm
Weight not more than 5.5 g
Built-in power supply voltage not more than 5.0 V
Continuous pulse delivery time not less than 100 h