• Tilaxin (Tiloron) 125mg 10 tablets

Active substance: Tiloron

Synonyms: Amixin | Lavomax | Tiloram

Expiration date: 09/2025

Pharm group: antiviral immunostimulatory agent.

Formdata: low Molecular weight synthetic inducer of interferon, stimulating education in the body of interferons alpha, beta and gamma. The main producers of interferon in response to the introduction tilorona are the cells of the intestinal epithelium, hepatocytes, T-lymphocytes, neutrophils and granulocytes. After intake of maximum production of interferon is defined in the sequence intestine - liver - blood through 4-24 h. In human leukocytes induces the synthesis of interferon.

Stimulates stem cells of bone marrow, depending on the dose increases antibody production, reduces the degree of immunosuppression, restores the ratio of T-suppressor and T-helper cells.

The mechanism of antiviral action is associated with inhibition of translation of virus-specific proteins in infected cells, resulting in suppressed reproduction of viruses. Effective against pathogens of viral hepatitis, herpes viruses (including cytomegalovirus).

Pharmacokinetics: After ingestion is rapidly absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. Bioavailability is 60%. About 80% of the drug is bound to plasma proteins. 

Report the drug virtually unchanged in faeces (70%) and urine (9%). T1/2 is 48 h. the Drug is not metabolized and not accumulates.

Indications: in adults: viral hepatitis A, b, C, herpes and CMV-infection complex therapy of infectious-allergic and viral encephalomyelitis (multiple sclerosis, leukoencephalitis, avioanele), chlamydial infection of the urogenital and respiratory tract; prevention of influenza and SARS..

In children over 7 years: the treatment of influenza and SARS..

Contraindications: Hypersensitivity, pregnancy, lactation, children's age (till 7 years).

Dosing: Inside after eating, with preventive purpose - 125 mg 1 time per week for 4-6 weeks, with treatment - on 125-250 mg/day for 1-2 days, then by 125 mg 48 h.

Treatment: flu and SARS. adult - 1 week; hepatitis a - 2-3 weeks; hepatitis b - 3-4 weeks; herpes, CMV and chlamydial infection and their combinations to 4 weeks.

Chronic viral hepatitis b and C hepatitis-mixed - 250 mg 2 times a week, the course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Secondary immunodeficiencies and disorders of interferon status - 125 mg 2 times a week. The course of treatment is 2-4 weeks.

Multiple sclerosis - 125 mg after 48 h (total 10 tablets).

Treatment of influenza and SARS etc. in children older than 7 years - 60 mg per day in the first 2 days, then 60 mg every 48 hours (3-4 pills).

Side effects: Allergic reactions. Dyspepsia, intermittent fever.

Interaction: Compatible with antibiotics, drugs for the treatment of viral and bacterial diseases.


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