Expiration date: 08/2026
The composition and form of issue:
Solution for injection. 1 ml contains:
insulin soluble [human genetic engineering] 100 IU (3.5 mg)
1 IU corresponds to 0,035 mg of anhydrous human insulin
excipients: zinc chloride, glycerin (glycerol) metacresol sodium hydroxide and/or hydrochloric acid (to adjust pH) water for injections
in glass cartridges Penfill of 3 ml in blister packs of 5 cartridges in cardboard pack 1 blister.
Neutral human monocomponent insulin is short-acting.
Pharmacological action:
Interacts with the specific receptor plazmaticescoy membranes and enters the cell where it activates the phosphorylation of cellular protein stimulates glikiencintetazu, piruvatdegidrogenzu, geksokinazou, ingibiruet lipazu adipose tissue and lipoproteinlipazou. In tandem with the specific receptor facilitates entry of glucose into cells, increases absorption by tissues and promotes the enzyme. Increases the glycogen stores in the muscles, stimulates the synthesis of peptides.
Clinical pharmacology:
Effect develops through 30 minutes after s/to the introduction, reaches its maximum after 1-3 hours and lasts 8 hours.
Diabetes mellitus types I and II.
Hypoglycemia, insulinoma.
Side effects:
Hypoglycaemia, a breach of refraction (usually at the beginning of therapy), allergic reactions.
Drug interactions:
MAO inhibitors, nonselective beta-blockers, ACE inhibitors, salicylates, anabolic steroids, alcohol, stress, oral contraceptives, corticosteroids, thyroid hormones, thiazide diuretics, sympathomimetics weaken the hypoglycemic effect.
Method of application and dose:
P/K, V/V. the Dose is selected individually taking into account the patient's needs. Typically, the patient's demand for insulin is from 0.3 to 1 IU/kg/day. The daily insulin requirement may be higher in patients with insulinrezistentnost (e.g. in puberty, and in patients with obesity) and lower in patients with residual endogenous insulin production. If patients with diabetes achieved optimal glycemic control, complications of diabetes they have, as a rule, appear later. In this regard, the aim should be to optimize metabolic control, in particular by conducting thorough monitoring of glucose levels in the blood.
Actrapid NM is a short-acting insulin and may be used in combination with insulins of prolonged action.
The drug is administered 30 minutes before a meal or snack containing carbohydrates. Actrapid NM typically enter n/a in the region of the anterior abdominal wall. If it is convenient, the injection can be made also in the femoral region, the gluteal region or the deltoid region of the shoulder. With the introduction of the drug in the region of the anterior abdominal wall is achieved a more rapid absorption than when administered in other areas. The implementation of injection in the skin fold reduces the risk of falling into muscle.
It is necessary to change the injection site within the anatomical region to prevent the development of lipodystrophy.
The/m injections are also possible, but only on prescription.
Actrapid NM it is also possible to enter/in, and such procedures can only be done by a medical professional.
Dose adjustment
If the kidney damage or liver the need for insulin is reduced.
Symptoms: hypoglycemia (cold sweat, palpitations, tremor, hunger, excitement, irritability, paleness, headache, drowsiness, lack of movement, impaired speech and vision, depression). Severe hypoglycemia can cause temporary or permanent dysfunction of the brain, coma and death.
Treatment: sugar, or glucose inside (if the patient is conscious), n/a, in/m or/in — glukagon or/in — glucose.
It should be borne in mind that the ability to control the car after the patients on human insulin may be reduced temporarily. The drug can be used, if it is transparent and colorless. When using two types of insulin in Penfill cartridges, you need a pen for each type of insulin.
Storage conditions:
An unopened cartridge at temperatures above 30 °C for 6 weeks not recommended store in the refrigerator. The drug should be protected from heat and sunlight.