
Homeopathic medicines, unlike allopathic, used in small doses and prepared in a special (liquid and solid) technology, proposed by the founder of homeopathy, German physician and chemist Samuel Hahnemann. Raw materials for homeopathic medicines are substances of plant, animal, mineral origin and allopathic medicine. Of human excreta, including pathology, cultures of micro-organisms prepare the so-called nosodes, organs and tissues grown in environmentally friendly conditions of young cattle — organ-specific drugs. The process of preparation of homeopathic medicines, consisting of dilution with agitation or friction, is called potentiation or dynamization. To get the first decimal (1x or 1D) or hundredth (1 or 1 CH) potency to 1 part of raw material add 9 or 99 parts of the filler and shake (or grind). For the preparation of LM potency to 1 drop of raw materials added 50,000 drops of alcohol. Each subsequent potency is prepared the same way from the previous (2 1x, 2 of 1, etc.), the number indicates the number of dilutions (with shaking or rubbing ) used in the preparation of medicines. The higher the potency, the greater and longer effect of the drug. The choice of potency and frequency of administration of homeopathic medicine depends on the specific conditions of their application. Upon reaching the positive effect of the drug either canceled or used sparingly. Hahnemann believed that symptoms are not a manifestation of pathogenic factors, and protective response of the organism to adverse effects and proposed selection of drugs based on the comparison of the complex of symptoms and signs of poisoning with large doses of this drug (homois — similar, pathos — disease). The primary action of homeopathic remedies aimed at stimulation of protective and adaptive functions, the restoration of adaptive mechanisms by the least irritation of certain receptors, reacting to this effect. The effect is realized through the mental, neuro-vegetative, endocrine, metabolic and immune systems. In recent years the use of homeopathic treatment has been expanded through the creation of officinal laboratory facilities designed, allowing to obtain a rapid therapeutic effect. Complex homeopathy, in contrast to the classical, commonly used medical terminology and is not based on homeopathic and the usual clinical diagnosis.