Expiration date: 05/2026
Release form and composition:
The solution for the reception inside.
Solution reception inside transparent, brownish color, with pleasant characteristic odor cherry.
1 FL. contains:
iron protein succinylate 800 mg,
EMCO corresponds to the content of Fe3+ 40 mg
Excipients: sorbitol, propylene glycol, methyl parahydroxybenzoate, sodium parahydroxybenzoate sodium, cherry flavor (the flavor of wild black cherry concentrate, vanilla, amylacetate, small amounts of other esters, benzaldehyde, clove buds oil, propylene glycol, diethylene glycol monotropy air, water), sodium saccharin, purified water.
Powder for preparation of oral solution of white with a yellowish tint, odourless (in sealed cover-dispenser [cap-container]).
100 mg contains:
calcium folinate pentahydrate of 235 µg
EMCO corresponds to the content of calcium folinate 200 mcg
emeli corresponds to the content of folinic acid 185 mcg
Excipients: mannitol.
15 ml - polyethylene bottles (10) with cap container, containing 100 mg of powder - packs of cardboard.
15 ml - polyethylene bottles (20) with cap container, containing 100 mg of powder - packs of cardboard.
Pharmacological action:
Anti-anemic drug. Contains iron and calcium folinate. Whereas the lack of iron and folate in the body.
The main function of iron is to transport oxygen to the tissues. Iron is part of hemoglobin, myoglobin, iron containing enzymes-cytochromes transfers electrons, and acts as a catalyst of oxidation reactions, hydroxylation and other metabolic processes.
Perlatum Fol contains iron protein succinylate, which is a complex compound where the atoms of ferric iron is surrounded by a semi-synthetic protein carrier, preventing damage of the gastric mucosa. The protein carrier is soluble in the duodenum, releasing the iron in place for optimal absorption.
From the intestine into the blood of trivalent iron supplied by active suction, which explains the impossibility of overdose and poisoning.
Calcium folinate is the calcium salt of folinic acid, which compensates for the deficiency of folate in the body.
Data on the pharmacokinetics of the drug is not available.
— treatment of latent and clinically expressed iron deficiency (iron deficiency anemia) and folate
— prevention of deficiency of iron and folate during pregnancy, lactation, active growth, after a prolonged bleeding, amid inadequate and unbalanced nutrition.
Dosing regimen:
Perlatum Fol is taken orally before or after meals.
Adults: 1-2 vials/day in 2 doses (equivalent to 40-80 mg of ferric iron and 0.235-0.470 mg of calcium folinate pentahydrate) or in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.
Children (after the neonatal period) at 1.5 ml/kg/day (equivalent to 4 mg/kg/day ferric iron and 0.0235 mg/kg/day of calcium folinate) in 2 hours or in accordance with the recommendations of the doctor.
1 vial (15 ml) contains: iron protein succinylate 800 mg (equivalent to 40 mg of ferric iron), and 0.235 mg of calcium folinate pentahydrate (equivalent to 0.185 mg folinic acid).
Pregnant women to prevent iron deficiency anemia - 1 bottle/day. For the treatment of latent or clinically expressed iron deficiency - 1-2 vial/day in 2 admission.
After reaching normal levels of serum iron and hemoglobin treatment continue maintenance dose for at least 8-12 weeks.
Rules of preparation of solution
For preparation of solution for the reception inside should push with the force on the punch of the cover of the dispenser so that the powder spill out into the solution in the vial. You then vigorously shake the contents of the vial, remove the cover from the dispenser and drink the solution from the vial.
Side effects:
Rare: the occurrence of gastrointestinal disorders, disappearing with dose reduction or drug discontinuation.
— hemochromatosis
— violation of the recycling of iron (including lead anemia anemia sideroahrestical)
— nieestetyczne anemia (including hemolytic anemia, megaloblastic anemia caused by vitamin B12 deficiency)
— chronic pancreatitis
— cirrhosis of the liver
— hypersensitivity to the drug.
With caution the drug should be used when ulcers stomach and duodenal ulcer, malabsorption in the pathology of the small intestine (including enteritis, malabsorption, resection small intestine, resection of the stomach Billroth II with inclusion of duodenum).
Pregnancy and lactation:
The use of the drug Perlatum Fol especially recommended for prophylaxis and treatment of deficiency of iron and folate, developing during pregnancy and breastfeeding.
Special instructions:
Continuous period of drug Perlatum Fol should not exceed 6 months, except in cases of chronic blood loss (including menorrhagia, hemorrhoids) and pregnancy.
Because of the possible development of allergic reactions should be carefully prescribed to patients with intolerance to milk protein.
Perlatum Fol contains sorbitol and should not use the drug in patients with hereditary fructose intolerance.
Effects on ability to drive vehicles and management mechanisms
The drug does not affect classes potentially hazardous activities, require high concentration and speed of psychomotor reactions (including driving vehicles).
Hitherto not been described signs of intoxication and excess of drug Ferlatum the Fol in the body.
Drug interactions:
While the use was not observed interaction of the drug Perlatum Fol with other drugs.
Absorption of iron can be increased with simultaneous use of the drug Perlatum Fol with ascorbic acid at a dose of gt200 mg.
Absorption of iron may be reduced by concomitant use of the drug Perlatum Fol with antacids.
Chloramphenicol causes a delayed response to therapy with iron.
Pharmacological interactions with simultaneous use of the drug Perlatum Fol with antagonists of histamine H2-receptors missing.
Protivoanemicescoe and some anticancer drugs (including aminopterin, methotrexate and other parinoia derivatives) exhibit the properties of antagonists of folate.
Terms and conditions of storage:
The drug should be stored out of reach of children at temperature not exceeding 25°C. shelf Life - 2 years.