• Corvalol Forte 30 tablets

Expiration date: 10/2025


Tablets, 1 tablet contains active substance:  

ethylbromoacetate (ethyl ether ?-bromsulfaleinovy acid) 12.42 mg

phenobarbital 11.34 mg

peppermint leaf oil 0.88 mg

excipients: lactose monohydrate — 285.25 mg; magnesium stearate — 4 mg; betadex (beta-cyclodextrin) — 85.71 mg; Acesulfame potassium — 0.4 mg  

Pharmacological action

Pharmacological action — antispasmodic, hypnotic, soothing.

Dosage and administration

Sublingual or inward.

Adults 1 table. 2-3 times a day. If necessary (pronounced tachycardia and spasm of coronary vessels) single dose can be increased to 3 table. The duration of the drug is determined by the doctor depending on the clinical effect and tolerability of the drug.
