Expiration date: 06/2025
Structure and Composition:
Alpisarin tablets 0.1 g
1 tablet contains:
Tetrahydroxyglucopyranosilxanten (in terms of 100% substance) 0.1 g
milk sugar 0.105 g
Other ingredients: calcium stearate, starch - to produce tablets weighing 0.25 g
in blisters of 10 pieces. 2 In the paper cartons or packaging in blisters of 20 or 30 pieces. In the paper cartons 1 package or contour bezgyachakova packing 10 pcs. In the paper cartons 2 packages or in dark glass jars for 20 pcs. In the paper cartons 1 bank.
Alpisarin ointment
Tetrahydroxyglucopyranosilxanten (in terms of 100% substance) 2 or 5 g
Excipients: medical vaseline - 100 g
in aluminum tubes of 10 or 20 g per 1 tube bundle cardboard or glass jars in the dark at 10 or 20 g per 1 paper cartons bank.
Description pharmaceutical form:
Tablets: flat cylindrical shape with a facet and Valium, from pale yellow to greenish white to yellow in color with a greenish tinge, with darker patches.
Ointment: homogeneous mass from light yellow to greenish to yellow color with a greenish tint.
The drug, derived from grass alpine kopeck - Hedysarum alpinum L., kopeck yellowing - Hedysarum flavescens Rgl. et Shmalb. legumes - Fabaceae (Leguminosae) or technical mangiferina obtained from the leaves of Mango - Mangifera indica L. sumach family - Anacardiaceae.
Rapidly absorbed in the digestive tract. Unchanged drug in the blood at concentrations determined 0,05-4,5 micrograms / ml for 0.5-5 hours after application, while Cmax (4,5 mg / ml) is achieved within 1 h after treatment. Excretion in urine is less than 0.1%.
Description of the pharmacological actions:
It has antiviral activity against herpes simplex virus, Herpes zoster, Varicella zoster, CMV, human immunodeficiency virus. The inhibitory effect on the reproduction of the virus Alpisarin particularly evident in the early stages. Alpisarin has a moderate bacteriostatic action against staphylococci, E. coli, Mycobacterium tuberculosis and parasitic protozoa - Entamoeba histolitica and Trichomonas vaginalis. At the heart of the drug mechanism of action is inhibition of bacterial nucleases, without the express inhibitory effect on viral neuraminidase.
Alpisarin has anti-inflammatory and immune stimulating properties against cellular and humoral immunity, the ability to induce the production of interferon-gamma in blood cells.
Alpisarin is a low-toxic substance that does not have allergenic, mutagenic, teratogenic and irritating properties.
  • herpes simplex (acute and recurrent forms of extragenital and genital localization)
  • eczema herpeticum sarcoma
  • cytomegalovirus infection
  • viral diseases of the oral mucosa, including thrush
  • shingles
  • chickenpox.
  • idiosyncrasy
  • pregnancy.
Application of pregnancy and breastfeeding:
Contraindicated during pregnancy.
Side effect:
Allergic reactions are possible.
Drug Interactions:
Not studied.
Dosage and administration:
Alpisarin tablets 0.1 g
Inside, regardless of meals, adults and children over 12 years - on the table 1-2. 3-4 times a day for children 6-12 years of age - 1 table. 2-3 times a day for children 3-6 years - 1 / Table 2.1. 2-3 times per day.
Alpisarin ointment
Locally: 4-6 times a day for an adult skin lesions - 5% ointment, children - 2% ointment on the mucous membranes of adults and children - only 2% ointment. The ointment is applied in a thin layer and gently rubbed.
In acute and recurrent forms of herpes simplex extragenital localization: the single rash ointment applied to the lesion for 3-5 days at a common rash, presence of fever, lymphadenopathy - both in the form of tablets, and 0.1 g of ointment for 5-14 days.
When eczema herpetiformis sarcoma, and cytomegalovirus infection: in the treatment of the same age doses for 7-21 days.
With genital herpes: is applied to the affected area 2% ointment 4-6 times a day for 7-10 days. In the case of recurrent course of the disease - further prescribe pills for 5-14 days.
When viral diseases of the oral mucosa, including aphthous stomatitis, orally in dosages specified age and simultaneously as an ointment (the affected areas of the oral mucosa) - 2% ointment for 5-15 days at erosive ulcerous form planus oral mucosa - within 2-4 weeks.
In diseases caused by Herpes zoster (shingles) and Varicella zoster (chickenpox): tablets (dosages of the same age) and 2% (children) or 5% (adults) ointment on the lesions for 5-21 days. When relapse - repeated courses. To prevent a recurrence of herpes viral infections tablets administered 1 month after the end of treatment and then interrecurrent periods courses for 10-14 days.
Special instructions:
The tablets are usually prescribed in combination with the ointment. The therapeutic effect is most pronounced in the appointment of the initial period of the disease or relapse.
