• Vitrum Superstress (Multivitamins + Multimineral) 30 tablets chewable

Expiration date: 12/2026

Trade name

Vitrum ® Superstress


Dosage form

Tablet, coated


One tablet contains active substances:

vitamin E (dl-?-tocopherol acetate) 30 ME1

vitamin C (ascorbic acid) 500 mg

folic acid 400 mcg

vitamin B1 (thiamine hydrochloride) 15 mg

vitamin B2 (Riboflavin) 10 mg

nicotinamide 100 mg

vitamin B6 (pyridoxine hydrochloride) 5 mg

vitamin B12 (cyanocobalamin) 12 mcg

Biotin 45 mcg

Pantothenic acid (as calcium Pantothenate)  20 mg

iron (ferrous fumarate) 27 mg,

1 – 30 IU of vitamin E is equivalent to 30 mg of dl-?-alpha-tocopherol acetate

excipients: calcium sulfate, microcrystalline cellulose, silicon dioxide, sodium croscarmellose, stearic acid, magnesium stearate,

the shell: polymer, dye charming red (E 129), Beau-tel sunset yellow (E 110), titanium dioxide (E 171), triacetin.


Capsuleline tablets, coated dark-red color.Allowed the presence of a specific smell.

Pharmacotherapeutic group

Multivitamins with iron.

Pharmacological properties


Pharmacological action of the drug Vitrum® SUPERSTRESS is a combined effect of its components, is a kinetic observation is not possible, all westconnect cannot be traced using markers or research.


Vitamin E is a natural antioxidant, predotvrashcheniia of lipid oxidation. Involved in the synthesis of proteins (collagen, contractile proteins, mucous membranes), coenzyme Q, tissue respiration, drugawareness processes of tissue metabolism, prevents polysensitivity and capillary fragility.

Vitamin C participates in oxidation of some biologically activehost, the regulation of metabolism in the connective tissue, carbohydrate metabolism, blood clotting and regenerational, stimulates the formation of steroid hormones, normalizes bronzemedaille, increases the body's resistance to infections, omegaevolution reaction.

Folic acid is required for normal obrazovanieto blood, stimulates erythropoiesis, leukopoiesis, thrombocytopoiesis, is involved in the synthesis of amino acids. Sposobstvuyut and regeneration of damaged tissues.

B vitamins (Vitamin B1, Vitamin B2, Vitamin B6, Vitamin B12) are involved in the formation of enzymes that regulate different videosmen substances in the body.

Nicotinamide is involved in the metabolism of carbohydrates and lipids.Regulates the metabolism of amino acids and of triglycerides in the body. Krovenosnye protects from the adverse effects of cholesterol.

Biotin plays manuwal in the metabolism of carbohydrates and fatty acids.

Pantothenic acid is an integral part of coenzyme Aigret an important role in the acetylation and oxidation, sposobstvuyuschyy and regeneration of the epithelium and endothelium.

Iron is involved in erythropoiesis, consisting hemoglobinopathy transport of oxygen to the tissues.

Indications for use

  • Recommended as a preventive medical aid.
  • prevention and treatment of hypovitaminosis, avitaminosis deficit of iron in the period vyzdorovlenie various diseases, injuries,
  • operations
  • a period of increased mental and physical stress.

Method of application and doses

Adults: 1 tablet daily after a meal. The course of treatment is 1 month. Repeated courses on the recommendation of a physician.

Side effects:

allergic reactions to the drug components. 


  • hypersensitivity to any of the komponentovpreparata 
  • childhood and adolescence 
  • pregnancy and lactation. 

Drug interactions

To date, no established clinically tachimachi of the drug Vitrum® Superstress with other lekarstvennymi.

At simultaneous reception with drugs, stereoskyline vitamins and iron, increasing the risk of overdose.

Special instructions:

Do not exceed recommended dose. Not primeracomunion with other similar multivitamin complexes, in izbieniiperedano.

Possible, staining the chair a dark color that is calicium in the preparation of iron. 

Features of the influence of the drug on to sposobnostyami a vehicle or potentially dangerous machinery

Not affected.


In applying the drug Vitrum® Superstress in rekomenduetsa and duration of treatment of the phenomenon of overdose not described. When kuchinoerabujima immediately consult a doctor.

In case of overdose is recommended symptomatically.

Shape of release and packing

Tablet, coated

Of 30 or 60 tablets, film-coated, in vial of spoliation with a screw cap of the same material and Predprinimatelskaya foil.

The bottle along with instructions for medical primenenyat in the cardboard box.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry place at a temperature of 10 to 30 °C. 

Keep out of reach of children!

Shelf life

5 years

Do not use after the expiry date, ukazannogo packaging.


Unipharm, Inc., USA.
