• Cudweed herb swamp grass (Gnaphalii uliginosi herba)

Expiration date: 03/2025

Pharmacological action

Cottonweed marsh (marsh cottonweed, Gnaphalium uliginosum) is an annual herbaceous plant of the Asteraceae family. Used aboveground part of the plant collected during flowering. 

The therapeutic effect of marsh drying is attributed to the complex effect of vitamins and other substances contained in the plant. Tannins - up to 4%, essential oil - about 0, 05%, resins - about 16%, traces of alkaloids, carotene - 12-55 mg/%, vitamin K, thiamine, traces of ascorbic acid and phytosterols were found in the grass. 

Preparations cottonweed have weak antihypertensive properties, expanding peripheral vessels, slow the heart rate. According to clinical observations, the majority of patients in this treatment stop pain, improves overall health, patients add weight, become more calm. 

Oil extracts from the herb stimulate granulation and epithelialization of damaged tissues in burns and ulcers.


Sushenitsu apply at:

  • hard-healing wounds, erosions, ulcers and burns,
  • peptic ulcer disease, chronic gastritis,
  • lungs of the initial stages of hypertension,
  • increased nervous excitability, insomnia, headaches,
  • externally with Trichomonas colpitis and cervical erosion (in the form of doughnuts).

Dosage regimen

Inside applied in the form of decoction: 6 - 8 g per 200 ml of boiling water, to insist 30 minutes, take 4 tablespoons (15-30 ml) 3 to 4 times a day for half an hour before meals. The powder of the leaves without thorns - take 1 teaspoon 3 times a day. 

Spirit-oil extract from dried grass is prepared as follows: large rugged grass moisten a sufficient amount of 40% alcohol and insist for 12 h in a closed container at room temperature, stirring occasionally. Then sunflower oil is added to the mass, gently heated in a water bath for 24 h, after which it is squeezed out and filtered through a dry filter. Ready extract of dried fruit-transparent brownish-green liquid with a peculiar smell. Store in a cool dark place in a well sealed glass container. 

Externally, the grass is used as a means to treat wounds, burns, fistulas, trophic ulcers, in the form of tampons soaked in infusion, or as baths (bath duration up to 30 minutes at a temperature of 35°).


Hypersensitivity to Compositae family. 

Not recommended for high blood pressure.

Side effect

Allergic reactions are possible.

Storage terms and conditions

In a dry, cool, dark place. Shelf life 3 years.
