• Xymedone 250mg 50 tablets

Expiration date: 01/2025


1 tablet contains Xymedone (Hydroxiethyldimethyldihydropyrimidine) 250 mg, in banks of 50 PCs., in a cardboard pack.

Application method

Inside, before eating 0.5 g 3-4 times a day. The course of treatment is from 1 to 5 weeks.

Indications for use

  • deep and superficial burns (preparation of patients for autodermoplasty), — infected wounds, - trophic ulcers.


  • leukemia (acute and chronic), - erythremia, - hypersensitivity.

Pharmacological properties

Xymedone accelerates the processes of tissue regeneration and reduces the healing time of the burn surface, improves the engraftment of skin grafts in autodermoplasty. Promotes normalization of the ratio between the content of fibrinogen in the blood and its fibrinolytic activity, improves regional blood circulation. It normalizes the immune system, increases the phagocytic activity of T-lymphocytes and non-specific resistance of the body.Pharmacokinetics when taking Xymedone orally, it is rapidly absorbed within 0.5-1 h, the Cmax of the drug in the blood serum is reached after 1.7 hours. T1 / 2 of the drug is 5.5 h. as a result of a low percentage of binding to serum albumin (9 %) and the absence of biotransformation in the body, the drug does not have a competitive effect when taking other drugs.

Side effect

Possible-dyspepsia, allergic reactions.


Due to the low toxicity and wide range of therapeutic effects of Xymedone, no cases of toxic manifestations were observed.

Interaction with other medicinal products

Incompatibility of Xymedone with any medications was not detected.

Storage conditions

List B In a dry, protected from light, inaccessible to children, at a temperature no higher than 25°C. Shelf life-2 years.


  • $42.00