• Ginkgo Biloba leaf 1.5g 20 sachets

Expiration date: 11/2025


improves the transmission of nerve impulses, reduces cholesterol in the blood, improves blood circulation in functional disorders of blood vessels of the brain, increases cerebral blood flow in the arterial, capillary and venous bed, reduces the tendency of blood components to stick together and, consequently, reduces the tendency to dangerous formation of clots or clots in the veins and arteries, increases the elasticity and strength of the walls of blood vessels, capillary walls, preventing their fragility, has an antihypoxic effect on the tissue, increases the consumption of oxygen and glucose by the brain, has a pronounced anti-edematous effect of brain tissues, as well as peripheral tissues, has a vasodilating effect, normalizes blood pressure.


1 tablespoon of raw sugar and 250 grams. boiling water, boil in a water bath for 15 minutes, insist for 30 minutes, strain. Take inside 1/3 Cup 3 times a day before meals. The course of treatment is 1 month. The 2 weeks break, then a course of treatment repeat.


  • $6.00