Expiration date: 09/2025

Bioregulator of the stomach 

It is recommended to normalize the function gastric mucosa, helps improve and maintain the gastrointestinal tract

Product form: 40 tablets per pack

Diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, especially the stomach, are widely distributed among the population. Gastritis of different etiologies, disorders of motor functions, gastric ulcer stress-induced, infectious and toxic origin — all this group of diseases associated with lesions of the gastric mucosa. To eliminate the defects of the gastric mucosa and restore its normal functions among tsitaminov were developed with organotropic effects — "Ventramin".

Has a selective action on the cells of the stomach mucosa and normalizes its function.

Accelerates the recovery of the mucous membrane of the stomach in its acute and chronic lesions (gastritis, peptic ulcer disease) and after surgery.

It is recommended to maintain the functions of the digestive system under the influence of negative factors: the inability to eat regularly, taking anti-inflammatory drugs, alcohol consumption, Smoking, frequent stress.

Dosage: 1-3 tablets 2-3 times a day 10-15 minutes before meals with water without chewing. Course: 10-14 days. A second course in 3-6 months.

Contraindications: individual intolerance of the product components, pregnancy, breast-feeding.


  • $16.00