Expiration date: 05/2025

Turpentine oil — a universal medicine, because there are no strict age restrictions. The spectrum of action is wide. With the help of turpentine from oleoresin to treat not only chronic diseases, but to remove a growing aggravation.

A lot of problems the body delivers the violation of the capillary circulation. It leads to the accumulation of toxic substances — free radicals, oxidizing and killing healthy cells. As a result, the aging processes of organs and tissues go much faster, undermining human health.

Baths with Turpentine oil to help fight these negative phenomena. As a result of the beneficial effect of recovering the blood circulation, clears the capillaries and the life-giving oxygen begins to flow freely to all body cells. Normalization of the capillary circulation, in turn, leads to normal immune system, which actively resists the diseases and accelerates recovery.

Changes occurring in the body under the action of Turpentine oil, beneficial and obvious. Thanks to this natural life-giving elixir improves skin acquires elasticity and healthy color.

For people who are overweight turpentine baths are also very useful because they enable you to lose weight evenly and minimize stress factors for the body. The secret of this effect is easily explained – due to the normalization of blood circulation restores the disturbed metabolism. If overweight is caused by hormonal changes that often occurs in older people, the turpentine emulsion of turpentine will help to cope with this problem.

The main components of the healing baths are the two kinds of emulsions based on Turpentine oil: yellow and white. Each of them has its application range, aiming at the treatment of certain diseases.


  • $8.00