• Bisoprolol Izvarino tablets

Expiration date: 06/2025

Pharmacological action

Bisoprolol is a selective beta1-blocker without intrinsic sympathomimetic activity, has membrane stabilizing activity. Bisoprolol reduces plasma renin activity, reduces the need heart of oxygen, reduces the heart rate (at rest and during exercise) and cardiac output, while stroke volume is not reduced significantly. Depresses AV conduction. It has antianginal and hypotensive action. In high doses (200 mg or more) may cause blockade and ?2-adrenergic receptors mainly in the bronchi and vascular smooth muscle.


Arterial hypertension, preventing strokes.


Chronic heart failure II B - III stage cardiogenny shock AV blockade II and III extent, SSSU, sinoatrial block, bradycardia, hypotension (systolic pressure less than 90 mm Hg.St.), the propensity to bronchospasm (bronchial asthma and other diseases with bronchial-obstructive syndrome), expressed human peripheral blood circulation, simultaneous reception of MAO inhibitors (except for MAO inhibitors of type B), increased sensitivity to bisoprololu and other beta-blockers, pregnancy and lactation.

Application of pregnancy and breastfeeding

Use in pregnancy and lactation is possible only if the benefit to the mother outweighs the risk of side effects in the fetus and child.
