• Thuja 25g ointment

Expiration date: 01/2025

Release form



Palm oil is the highest quality, the alcohol extract of young shoots of thuja, eucalyptus oil, linseed oil, chamomile extract, propolis, glycerin, lanolin.


Bank 25 grams.

Pharmacological action

Thuja ointment is used for removing warts, calluses, treatment of rough, calloused skin. For greater effectiveness, wrap the treated the problem areas with fabric. Ointment is also an excellent antifungal. In the composition of ointment contains extracts of thuja, lavender oil and tea tree. Ointment is also recommended for rheumatism and inflammation of the ligaments.


Used for chronic rhinitis (runny nose), sinusitis, adenoids. When sinusitis and adenoids is recommended to combine the treatment with the homeopathic drug "Hamarin". Widely used in tumor nodules of the skin (warts, condylomas, etc.).

Method of application and doses

1-2 times daily apply a thin layer of ointment on the projection of the patient's body. The course of treatment for 1 month, then a month break or use a different ointment.

Special instructions

Do not use on birthmarks, moles, skin growths of unknown origin. Do not handle simultaneously a lot of calluses or warts. In mastopathy, adenoma and cancer of the breast massage and warm!


  • $7.00