• Kindinorm 10g granules

Expiration date: 03/2025

Release form



Active ingredients: Chamomilla recutita (Chamomilla) (Chamomilla of recutita (Chamomilla)) D12 - 166.7 mg,

Valeriana officinalis (Valeriana) (officinalis Valerian (Valerian)) D6 - 166.7 mg, Cuprum metallicum (Cuprum) (kuprum metallicum (kuprum)) D10 - 166.7 mg, Kalium phosphoricum (in terms of potassium fosforikum) D6 - 166.7 mg,

Delphinium staphisagria (Staphisagria) (delphinium of staphisagria (stavesacre)) D12 - 166.7 mg, Calcium hypophosphorosum (calcium hypophosphorous) D4 - of 166.7 mg. 

Auxiliary substances: sucrose


vial 10 g.

Pharmacological action

Kindinorm - is a homeopathic combination drug eliminates behavioral and cognitive disorders in children and adults.

The active components of the drug effectively weaken typical symptoms such as impaired concentration, irritability, restlessness, learning difficulties, sleep disorders and General weakness. Also, the drug has a soothing and stabilizing effect on the mental state of the patient.


Behavioral disorders in children and adults, associated with impaired concentration, irritability, restlessness, learning difficulties, sleep disorders or General weakness.

Method of application and doses

Adults and children after 12 years: 10 to 20 granules 3 times a day,

children from 5 to 12 years: 10 pellets 3 times a day,

children from 1 year to 5 years: 5 pellets 3 times a day.

Course of treatment: an average of about 12 weeks, if necessary, may increase the duration of drug intake.

Pellets take half an hour before or half an hour after a meal, letting them slowly dissolve in your mouth. Children up to 3 years for ease of use, the pellets can be dissolved in a small amount of water (e.g., teaspoon).

Long-term drug treatment Kindinorm (6 8 weeks or more, if necessary) is recommended under the supervision of the clinical picture.

If no improvement after 8 weeks of treatment or when a deterioration should change the tactics of treatment.

Special instructions

In the application of herbal medicines may be a temporary primary worsening. In this case, you should reduce the frequency and dosage of the drug and, after the regression of undesirable symptoms, resume taking the drug in accordance with the instructions. In the case of expressed primary worsening, accompanied by poor tolerance of the drug, discontinue its use.

Do not use the drug for children under 1 year due to lack of experience.

Before you give a drug Kindinorm children up to 6 years are encouraged to show them to a doctor for diagnosis and appointment of adequate treatment.

In accordance with generally accepted principles, to apply the drug during pregnancy and lactation is possible only after an objective assessment of the comparison between the expected beneficial effects and potential risk.

Storage conditions

Store in a dry protected from light place at temperature not exceeding 25 °C.


  • $16.00