• Euphrasia officinalis 50g

Expiration date: 05/2025


Euphrasia officinalis


A pack of 50 g.

Pharmacological action

The infusion of the herb eyebright used for inflammation of the eyes, the eyelids, corneal opacity, as well as angina, asthma and epilepsy and externally for irrigation in diseases of the eye and lotions to tumors and abscesses. In Tibetan medicine it is considered a good remedy against conjunctivitis.

In the Bulgarian folk medicine, eyebright is also used in the inflammation of the bronchi accompanied by cough, hoarseness, digestive disorders, catarrh of the stomach, increased gastric acidity, and jaundice.

Another amazing experience with the use of eyebright is to strengthen its effect on children (and adults) with impaired health. Those who easily acquires a runny nose and cough, often swollen cervical glands, who generally has a low resistance, at my eyes they hurt from the light, the will help tea made from eyebright.

We add that this is a time — tested remedy for cough, accompanied by abundant expectoration, catarrhal symptoms and pains in region of frontal sinus.

Eyebright has hypotensive, sedative, antispasmodic, immunomodulatory effects, improves cerebral blood supply.


Recommended as a biologically active food Supplement – an additional source of flavonoids and glycosides (iridoids) to improve the functional state of the visual apparatus and to reduce the risk of development of age-related changes.


Individual intolerance of the product components.



Method of application and doses

1 tbsp (2.0 g) pour 1 Cup (200 ml) of boiling water for 15-20 minutes, drain.

Adults take 1/2-1/3 Cup 2-3 times a day. Prodoljitelnost of reception - 2-3 weeks.

Side effects

Allergic reactions.

Special instructions

Before applying are encouraged to consult with your doctor.

Storage conditions

In protected from light place, at temperature not above 25°C.

Shelf life

2 years.


  • $4.00