• Sea Buckthorn Oil 100ml

Expiration date: 09/2025

Sea buckthorn oil has long been used as a powerful drug, and as a so-called biologically active additives to food. Today, it is recommended not only traditional medicine specialists, and professionals experienced doctors.

Sea buckthorn oil "Siberian" contains a unique set of vitamins and biologically active substances, including the carotenoids, tocopherols, extremely important for the normalization of the body polyunsaturated fatty acids.

Sea buckthorn oil "Siberian" is used as an adjunct in the treatment of diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in dermatology, dentistry, gynecology.

Sea buckthorn oil "Siberian":

  • has tonic and antibacterial action (recuperate people undergoing abdominal surgery, severe physical and psychological stress, nervous stress)
  • has immunostimulating action, activates inner strength, increases body resistance,
  • contains vitamins and biologically active substances necessary for the prevention and treatment of atherosclerosis and degenerative processes in the myocardium,
  • analgesic (i.e. analgesic) and antibacterial properties,
  • It is indispensable for a variety of skin lesions: wounds, burns, radiation injuries and the like,
  • It accelerates the growth of hair and nails.

Sea buckthorn oil "Siberian", as an adjuvant, is used in the treatment of radiation skin lesions, thermal and chemical burns, bedsores. At a stomach ulcer, gastritis take Sea buckthorn oil "Siberian" three times a day for 30-40 minutes before meals, take the fourth time on the night. Starting a reception with one teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil to gradually increase to 1 tablespoon.

In case it is possible to reduce the acidity of the stomach acid number of the oil in the following manner: 50 g of oil mixed with one cup of boiling water, add 4 teaspoons of baking soda dining. The mixture was under constant agitation incubate for one hour then the supernatant sea buckthorn oil drained and repeated again. After taking sea buckthorn oil drink alkaline mineral water.

When the disease of the gastrointestinal tract within 30 minutes before a meal to dial "Siberian" sea buckthorn oil in the mouth, to rinse a few minutes, then swallow. Simultaneously, dental health, treatment of periodontal disease, inflammation of the tonsils, mucosal lesions, etc. In the treatment of periodontitis applied to the gums application with sea buckthorn oil for 15-20 minutes. The course of treatment - 20 applications.

When the pain of the joints to rub sea buckthorn oil in the heated joints and apply a compress on top of the sea salt (salt heat, pour into a cotton bag, lay on top of polyethylene and wrap a warm towel) for 30-40 minutes.

Contained in sea buckthorn oil "Siberian" biologically active substances strengthen the heart muscle, prevents the accumulation of peroxidation products, make blood vessels elastic, prevent obesity, lipid degeneration of the liver.

The use of sea buckthorn oil "Siberian" in cosmetology.

Dry skin. Add a few drops of sea buckthorn oil in the cream, rub thoroughly and apply on face. Before the massage the skin coat it with a cream containing vitamin A and E (or sea buckthorn oil). Sea buckthorn oil penetrates all layers of the epidermis, is establishing nutrition and metabolism in the subcutaneous fat. To compress a little shake of sea buckthorn oil with distilled water, put on the skin through two or three minutes to start massage. This emulsion will fill the moisture deficit in the skin and will provide its multivitamin and fatty diet.

Oily skin. Instead, wash with soap and wipe the face of sea buckthorn oil, which restores the acid reaction of the skin and disinfects it. To mask sea buckthorn oil "Siberian" slightly heated with a cotton swab and apply on face and neck. After 10-15 minutes, remove the remnants of sea buckthorn oil cloth. For oily skin with enlarged pores apply a compress. Denim soak in the fresh infusion of tea and apply on face for 10-15 minutes. Cover with towel. After removing the compress clean the face of sea buckthorn oil.

Brittle nails - drink the sea buckthorn oil "Siberian" and rub the oil into the nail plate within 1.5-2 months.

Hair care. Two hours before washing rub into the scalp sea buckthorn oil. It is possible to use an aqueous emulsion. Rinse shampoo. To strengthen the hair to prepare a mixture of one egg yolk, one teaspoon of sea buckthorn oil, ten grams tritizanola. The mixture is pour hot water to a thick viscous mass. The mixture, using a toothbrush, apply on the scalp, wrap a warm towel, put a heating pad. Wash off after 15-20 minutes. Treatment is carried out 5-10 times, depending on the condition of the hair.

Release Form: 100 ml bottle.


Individual intolerance of components of dietary supplements, pancreatitis, cholelithiasis.


  • $3.80