Expiration date: 06/2025

Dosage and administration:

Inside. The daily dose is recommended to take in one or two stages, preferably during meals, without crushing or chewing the tablet.

Application in one step is possible with a well controlled epilepsy.

Depakine Chrono is a form of delayed-release active substance preparations Depakine group which reduces the maximum concentrations of the active substance in the plasma and a more uniform concentration throughout the day.

This product is intended only for adults and children weighing more than 17 kg!

This dosage form is not recommended for children younger than 6 years (risk of falling into the airway during swallowing)!

The initial daily dose is usually 10-15 mg / kg, then raised to its optimal dose.

The average daily dose is 20-30 mg / kg. However, if the epilepsy can not be controlled at this dose, it can be increased with careful monitoring of the patient's condition.

For children, the usual dose is 30 mg / kg / day.

For adults, the usual dose is 20-30 mg / kg / day.

In elderly patients the dose should be set according to their clinical status.

The daily dose is determined depending on the age and body weight of the patient but it should take into account the wide range of individual sensitivity to valproate.

A good correlation between the established daily dose serum concentration and therapeutic effect of the drug: the dose should be set based on the clinical response. Determination of valproic acid plasma levels may serve as a complement to the clinical observation, if epilepsy can not be controlled or is suspected side effects. The range of therapeutic efficiency is typically 40 -100 mg / l (300-700 micromol / L).

Starting treatment

When switching from immediate-release tablets valproate, which provides the necessary control of the disease in the form of sustained-release (Depakine Chrono) should maintain a daily dose.

Replacement of other antiepileptic drugs on Depakine Chrono should be gradual, reaching the optimal dose of valproate for about 2 weeks. Thus, depending on the patient, the dose previous drug decreases.

For patients who are not taking other antiepileptic drugs, dosage should be increased by 2-3 days in order to achieve the optimal dose for about one week.

they should be introduced gradually, if necessary combined with other antiepileptic drugs.
